i wonder what they're doing when im singing myself to sleep.

Monday, August 25, 2008

oh well. ._. im neutral now. i realised that i go happy and pissed easily ._. sometimes i wonder if i'll ever be successful at anything. =/ and everyone's probably wondering why i said if i'll ever be successful at anything. cause there's a list of stuff which ihave been failing to do. such as:

- making my boots shine. i've been polishing them in last years holiday for like 2whole days ._. so now i gave up. its sad.

- improving my eyesight. garghh.

- sleeping early.

- getting my _______________ =x=x

- saving at least 10dollars a week.

- nuffnang? im wondering if im failing at it cause apparently very little people view D:

and now i want to make my game. as in a real computer game like maplestory. i've got the whole game line and all but i need to learn java and thats almost hard. and cause i don't really know where i can possibly learn it but for html you can learn it by like from people's layout html. then java is probably like much more difficult but i'll try. cause the whole game line is really good but i just wonder sometimes =x.

and now nuffnang i made some friends. some people are really nice. :) and i can't believe i donated altogether $4 away today ._. but im sure if i succeed in my computer game then i'll be rich then i'll help people :) and since i always wanted to be a gm(gamemaster) or those kind of stuff im sure i'll enjoy it.

i was thinking if i could go down to pcbunk and ask one gm to help me and coach me about java. =x i wonder. again ._. and this face is still the sexiest face. and i can't help but like changmin. dang. i should remove him. after all he's in korea I'll never get him and he can't even speak english. and i don't think i'll go and learn korean for a guy. ._.

there's nice and irritating people. but most is nice so thats good. some people look bad outside but they're actually quite nice. then some are straightforward nice while some are just simply super mean. ._. oh well nevermind asking questions did not kill thomas edison anyway. must have resilience LOL :D

and resilience reminds me of today in class where we had to do for CME and resilience thing. so in the end we acted out jaejoong's story of resilience and that's kind of funny cause i didn't know jaejoong was actually tone-deaf then he still become so pro. coolios to him :D but changmin. gargh. ._.

anyway since you read until here you gotta view my blog everyday cause you're special to read till here :)

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